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How To Know Which Seo Software Tool Suits Your Search Engine Optimization Needs?
By Andy Jones
Search engine optimization has become the most crucial element of ranking high in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Dogpile etc. There are several websites on the internet which boast about techniques & tips and guarantee top placement in days. How do you believe and invest your hard earned money in a company who does not have a background in search engine optimization believing their claims?

The question is “are you ready to play a gamble with your site?” Honestly the answer would be a big NO.
No one would like to waste their money. So, what is the way out? How about doing your own search engine optimization? It is a very long drawn and tedious process if you do it manually. So, how to go about it?

Are there any softwares available to do the SEO?

Yes! there are several softwares available in the market. But, how do you know which software is reliable and meet your search engine optimization needs and most importantly, whether they would live up to their claims?

SEO software is the answer to implement the major techniques. What are they? is primarily divided into two parts.

•On page optimization
•Off page optimization

On page optimization

On page optimization involves:

•Title Tags
•Meta Tags like meta keywords (lost its importance now due to keywords abuse) & meta description.
•Alt-Image tags
•H1, H2 tags
•High keyword density
•Quality content
•Ease of navigation
•Internal Linking and more…..

Off page optimization

Off page optimization involves:

•Link Building to improve Link popularity
• Reciprocal Linking – Two way links
• Non-reciprocal linking – In-bound links
•Use of keyword rich anchor text in linking text
•Improving Google page rank
•PPC advertisements
•Directory submissions

It is a well known fact that off page optimization has more value than on page optimization. It does not mean that on page optimization has no value and requires no optimization. On page optimization has its value and should not be ignored.

There are several softwares available to implement the off page optimization by improving link popularity by building both reciprocal and non-reciprocal links. There are websites which offer monthly membership accounts to use their Link Popularity software and some other websites have their software available for one time fee. For a beginner it is always better to go with one time fee software to keep the fixed expenses low. You are here to do business so you need to think and plan every dime you spend towards business success.

So, what to expect from a software selling website?

•Not a one time seller without any future upgrades
•A website with good technical support
•A website with a proven track record
•A website with a forum with quality user feedback
•Most importantly these website’s software should have good product reviews.

We see many software companies doing their own product reviews and it looks more like self propaganda than an honest product review. We need websites who test and verify the claims made by the software companies and publish their honest feedback. This would help the newbie website owners to make an educated decision after reading the detailed unbiased analysis published on a third party website.

There are very few websites that do this and should be encouraged to test and verify more of these softwares and help the website owners to learn and implement the off page optimization techniques. This would save time and money of the online entrepreneurs to improve their link popularity and increase their search engine rankings. Higher search

engine rankings bring more traffic to the websites and hence more sales. It is a known fact that we can drive visitors to websites but converting them into buyers totally relies on how effective is the content and ease of website’s navigation.

We should develop effective content in the form of relevant articles linking to your website. Writing an effective article is a skill which needs to be developed by reading other articles and other e-books focusing on writing best articles. Now we should know the list of quality article directories to submit to in the right category. This would be another tedious and time consuming process and this demands an software whose sole aim is article submission to various article directories.

Submitting to friendly directories is another tedious process but the rewards worth the effort involved. The list of friendly directories and the article directories is available at

Another way of getting traffic to the website is thru PPC i.e Pay Per Click. There are several PPC programs available like Google Adwords, Overture PPC, FindWhat etc. Now the question is choosing the right keyword relevant to the content of your website is very important. You might choose the right keyword which is highly competitive and may have to pay a high bid price to get the higher placement in the sponsored links. We need an software to optimize the adwords campaign to choose the right keyword combo to choose for the PPC. This would save money and time and helps beat the competition.

There are several other effective methods to do the off page optimization and there are several softwares available in the market. So, in conclusion read the product reviews, and see the important features of the selling website as mentioned above for the final decision as which software you should get your hands on.

I hope this software information is of good help and to learn more about softwares click on

Wishing you all success in your website’s search engine optimization.

Article Source:

Andy Jones -Media Relations, Ezine articles expert authorCopyright ©2006 Softwares, All rights reserved. Free reprint rights with proper credit to the author.

Products and Services mentioned in this article are available


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