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What Is Search Engine Optimization Or Seo
By sandeep tyagi
What is Search engine Optimization or SEO

Search engine Optimization (SEO) is a process to improve your site visibility in search engines like Google, yahoo, MSN, AltaVista etc….
Why to optimize for search engines.
Search engine Optimisation (seo) helps in getting targeted visitors to your site who can be potential buyers of your products or services. If you want to sell your products or services online search engines are one of the best ways to attract the targeted traffic. Most of the buyers use search engines to find what they are interested in and on an average they don’t go beyond 3 pages of search results so if your site is not showing within 3 pages of the SERPS (Search engine results pages) you might be loosing 95% of your targeted visitors.

Search engine Optimization process and Strategy  

process it starts form choosing your domain name a domain that represents the product or service you want to offer on your website.

EG: if a firm called xyz is selling widgets in UK then a friendly domain name can be something like xyzwidgets.co.uk or xyz-widgets.co.uk

Web design: Web design: After choosing a good domain name friendly web design is an important part of the search engine optimisation (SEO) process. The web design included the following elements.

1. Making it W3C compliant (HTML compliant, CSS compliant)

2. No use of frames within the website

3. Minimizing or no use of Flash content

4. Complying with web accessibility standards

5. Keyword rich filenames

6. Use of Anchor Text for hyperlinks and images

7. Use of hyphen (-) in the page name as compare to space or underscores(_).

8. HTML and XML sitemaps

9. User friendly site navigation
Content: Unique content is must to achieve good rankings in the top search engines it is the factor that drives your consumer to make that first important step in contacting you for your services. If you are using content from some articles

or any other sites then it may not just land you in legal trouble if it is copyrighted and it will be counted as duplicate content by search engines. So always remember for good search engine rankings quality counts not the quantity. If you have unique and informative content then it can also help you in getting back links as well as driving targeted visitors to your site. And finally more traffic means more customers

Link development:
link building can be of three types reciprocal, one way and paid

find sites which are relevant to your website contact them and request for a link exchange between your website and his site. This is called reciprocal link exchange

One way:
you don’t need to add link to other site they will add link to your site it may be paid or free.
Using unique and relevant title to name each page

Increasing the amount of unique content on the site.

Using a reasonably-sized, accurate description meta tag without excessive use of keywords, exclamation marks or off topic terms

  • Ensuring that all pages are accessible via anchor tag hyperlinks.

  • Allowing search engine spiders to crawl pages without having to accept session IDs or cookies.

  • Writing useful, informational articles under a Creative Commons or other open source license, in exchange for attribution to the author by hyperlink.

UK Based Search Engine Optimization Firm
Search engine optimization experts London, UK. Our services include web design optimization, keyword analysis, link building, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, traffic analysis reporting and traffic monitoring.

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