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What Serves To Make A Good Seo Article?
By Mark Nenadic
What makes an article SEO? The use of a key phrase or keywords sprinkled liberally throughout a pile of gibberish? That does work, occasionally and if you’ve ever done your search and pulled up a page that had absolutely nothing to do with what you were looking for, then you were likely taken in by the duplicitous use of articles.

SEO articles increase the search engine worthiness of a website. In fact the catch phrase of many web designers is content, content, content. Developing quality content is important for a web site whether it sells vitamins, candles, kids clothing or photography equipment.

Since the Internet still possesses a large number of possibilities for entrepreneurs, setting up a one man shop operation to sell any type of product to an audience that can span a continent or several is entirely possible. Setting up a website is integral to any business and not just the big boys. A part of setting up the ideal website is to make it compatible, allowing search engines to not only find the website but deliver it in response to various search parameters.

Imagine opening a small storefront in a local

town and providing niche items. The likelihood of finding customers is there, but you won’t be doing a $100,000 plus a year in profits in the first year by limiting to a local market. Adding a website expands the market to a wider area. Funnily enough, people in the local market may very well shop the website when they might not even have driven to the store! But when a business opens their Internet doors to commerce, they need to populate their presence across the search engines and that is where articles and design come into play.

SEO articles are how businesses can increase their web traffic through visibility to search engines. Niche stores can offer decorating tips, craft advice and more. By using key phrases in entertaining and informative articles, their articles fulfill a two-fold purpose: increase their visibility to search engine spiders and giving customers a reason to surf in and then stay. The possibilities for content creation are as limitless as the imagination and it doesn’t take a large company to deliver a good product or good content, it just takes a little wherewithal and creativity.

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