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On Page Seo - A Piece Of History
By Razvan
If you are reading this it means that you are interested in learning as much as you can about on page seo. Then let me tell you that you are in the right place. You will learn many different things about seo, from the very basics to really advanced stuff that you may implement to your websites in order to acquire a greater popularity, and popularity means more hits, and more hits mean more sales. This will be just an introduction in the world article, discussing about basics, types, history and early development of techniques.

Seo basics

First of all, we need to define what is. I do not plan to elaborate a lot under this subject, but I consider it to be important when trying to properly acknowledge what you will be doing on later lessons.

Seo stands for search engine optimization, and it is the practice of following certain procedures in order to rank your website high in search engines. That way you can get more visitors to your site, and that often translates into higher probabilities of successful sales.

In order to accomplish a successful search engine optimization you will need to follow a series of steps and methods that, when combined, will allow your site to receive more traffic.

Types of seo

There are two different types of seo: white hat and black hat. People who follow white hat procedures do so in a non-invasive manner, trying to provide customers with interesting information and following methods which are allowed by Search Engines, while black hat practitioners often use methods which are widely known as spamming. These methods are not permitted by search engines and its usage may conclude in a permanent ban for the sit. So be careful with the methods that you try to implement. Along these lessons we will focus on white hat methods since I find them more ethical and even much more effective in the long term.

I strongly recommend that you optimize your website using white hat seo, because, even though black hat methods provide faster results, it is only through the proper usage of white hat procedures that you will acquire a steady growth on your sites popularity without any danger of being banned. Few things are more important than honesty while performing online

deals and in this media your website's reputation is basically everything.

Seo history

Now, for a little history lesson on seo. is by no means a recent developed practice, it has been around the Internet since the mid 90's. However, in the past, search engine optimization was incredibly easy, since search engines relied solely on what webmasters had to say about their own sites. Every search was based on the content provided by the webmaster in specific parts of his site(s), and after these protocols were discovered the Internet soon became plagued with thousands of spammers that made search engines think twice about their ranking policies.

Knowing that their policies made it easy for webmasters to cheat and rank high on every search without providing customers what they needed, search engines implemented new algorithms that now make it really hard for spammers to rank high. These algorithms are secret and no one knows for sure how they work, however one thing is certain : there are many different methods that you can follow for improving your site's ranking, but these methods rely on the real content of your site and on the appropriate usage of the knowledge required to acquire such rankings.

With the ever growing environment of online economics, it has become essential for any site to conduct proper seo, and many people who follow these methods have made tons of money in the process. Here are some examples:

"For our company, the campaign took our small, home based business and turned it into a company that generates $750,000 in the first year. We expect our business to generate $1 Million of revenue this year"(Versa Covers representative)

"With we have generated about $7500.00 of revenue in 10 days. Even though we have just started... this is a pace of $250,000 per year"(Amazing Truck Accessories representative)

So, all in all, as you already can imagine is a must-do thing. Once you will know the methods and the things you can do in order to make your site search engine friendly and go up in tops you will be able to earn money that you just dreamt of until now.

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