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Paid Search Advertising Is Not Adequate Seo
By Chris Angus
A discussion of why investing in paid search advertising is not adequate to a website and why you need to practice other search engine optimization strategies too.

Many businesses both big and small suffer unnecessarily simply because they are under the impression that is enough to simply pay for a listing in a search engine like Google. It is because they think that if they can buy certain keywords or keywords phrases there is no point to searching for them too. However many experts say that paid search advertising is not enough. Just because you paid for it does not mean that this type of promotion will pay for all of your needs.

You also need to manually search engine optimize your site in other ways as well. Paid search advertising may not always cover your entire market. Yet another consideration is that paid search advertising sells the same keywords that you have bought to other webmasters so they are not exclusive to you. So if you are using the same types paid search engine advertising as your competitor, neither of you really have an edge.


you find yourself in the position of buying search advertising it could also mean that your site was not designed to accommodate your in the first place. When designing a site it is important to conjure up an architecture that comfortably adheres to principles such as user friendliness, avoiding Flash animation, avoiding black hat techniques etc.

The fact is that if you have to spend money on paid search engine advertising, you probably don’t have a site that is search engine optimized in the first place. The entire point of originally was to find techniques that were free that would help raise a site’s rankings in the search engines.

Christopher Angus is a and Website Marketer. He can be contacted at: Sales (at) Phil & Ted’sBiocideWindows Witney

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