How Search Engine Optimization Can Help Your Organization
By Roberto Bell
The world over organizations are employing low cost techniques in different business processes. Production work is getting outsourced to churn out low cost products. Consultancy is taken from a distant nation to bring in quality and reduce service cost. Educational tutorials are taken through e-learning system. Whats common to all these – INTERNET, which is helping them to connect easily and deliver in time. In this scenario, companies have shown keen interest in their website. They now take them as virtual offices that should look pretty good in design & content and should reach millions and billions of people worldwide. So International marketing has come to limelight and metamorphised into Internet Marketing.
Internet Marketing is done in a variety of ways, the most noticeable being Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). has given a new life to websites. It is making their presence felt in a galaxy of websites scattered over the virtual world of Internet. has more to do with rankings that get noticed than just listings at any page of a search engine result. Here is how can benefit your organization:
Benefits, plentiful!
You can battle with your competitor on a level playing field no matter whether he belongs to Fortune-500 club or is a small entity. The natural (or organic) listings in Search Engines get much more clicks than the paid “Sponsored” links. Only makes this difference. Even if bigger competitors pump in more money to get top listed through paid links, they cannot beat a well marketed SEOed website. It is a truth & it matters!
Rankings bring traffic. Higher rankings get significant traffic. A website that gets top ranks is known to get business enquiries in abundance particularly when the keyword is competitive. gets you at top and maintains it there all the time. It assures you a constant flow of new prospects and new business. All that may be done at a salary of an average single employee. Isn’t it worth investing!
are bagful on Internet. It is often seen that a brand’s associates / affiliates rank higher than the brand itself. This is all because they bagged the first opportunity and held to bandwagon long before the Brand realized SEO’s importance. Result has been phenomenonal business through Internet. All thanks to Search Engine Optimization!
Businesses spend on email marketing, online banner advertising, paid search engine listings and others to reach exponentially growing Internet users. outclasses all of them. It is estimated to be costing 5-6 times lower than banner advertisement ; has best ROI than paid links when worked for a longer period and highly effective than ‘spam’ labeled email marketing. No doubt, is effectively better than the best.
Experts like Forrester Research put one up than Email marketing. In one of their surveys, they state “search engines reach valuable, motivated, and ready customers. To capitalize on search as a marketing tool, marketers should shift acquisition email and ad dollars to search….” Google earns billions of dollars by selling ads through paid advertisement (sponsored links). And the earnings are increasing year-by-year. All these are clear indicators of the importance of search engine importance and the related marketing. Should we say more!
It has been found that search engines though being the top method to find sites on Internet, is allocated a marketing budget by only a small percentage of businesses This gap between recognition of the benefits of
Search Engine Optimization and actually doing it is anybody’ opportunity. By grabbing it, you can give your business a competitive advantage.
Looking for an internet marketing company to promote your website? Please contact