Seo For Ninnies: Case Study Part 1
By Jeffrey Dorrian
Congratulations to Brad Fallon and Andy Jenkins on selling out their new Stompernet program in record time. Brad and Andy are geniuses when it comes to selling real products on the Internet. Their expertise is in is renown in the industry. And they have done it again. The most amazing part of this latest venture is that the program cost was right around ten thousand dollars and their list of clients has gone from the small business set to now include major corporations who are now trying to take advantage of their expertise in search engine marketing. I have not bought any of their products but did get on their email marketing list. I have tried to read between the lines and garner as much pertinent info as I could from their marketing efforts.
As with most Internet start ups, there is no way I could afford the price tag of their amazing program. In the lead up to the release Andy and Brad made available some of there own clients testimonials to show what type of success one can expect from properly implementing their ideas. From these interviews and from Brad’s highly successful wedding favors site we can start to get an idea about what specific steps they themselves would take to promote an Internet business. This article will be a five part study for those of us regular marketers who don’t have a spare ten grand sitting around.
Part one will be the only part that looks at the on page features of seo. The next four parts will concentrate on off page seo. Brad’s 80/20 rule of search engine marketing dictates that a full 80% of your time and budget should be spent on factors off your site, so we will follow this advice.
Lets look a’s home page for some clues to what we should emulate. First and foremost Brad has stated that after fooling around a lot with the order of his title he had the most success when he placed the main keyword phrase at the beginning of the title. Therefore "Wedding Favors" is the first phrase in his title. He hasn’t specifically mentioned this publicly, but his domain name also includes his main search phrase. He does this also in his baby gifts site, This idea seems to help with some search engines more than others. As Brad would like to rank well with all the search engines some tactics are specifically designed to work better
for one and be a non factor with others.
Next, have a look at the first column of his site. In many of the links to other product pages he has used his main search phrase again. It almost seems to be a bit of overkill. Take notice, nothing on this site is done purely for aesthetics; it always has a component. This navigation column also appears on every category page. This has the effect of giving each one of these subcategory pages a “text anchor vote”. Though not a large vote it must have some credence with one of the search engines if it has been done so deliberately. You can see this reinforced in the footer links. A lot of the same phrases that are prevalent in the column are the same ones that are found in the footer anchor text. You will find this same consistent pattern in many of the top wedding favor websites as they are clients of Brad. They are also resellers of his Kate Aspen line of favors so he has an interest in their success.
Another consistent pattern that appears across all of his related sites is his page naming pattern. All sites will have a page about unique favors named as unique-favors.html. Notice a full url, is used and the main phrase is separated by a dash. This is good basic that works.
Another icon that appears across all of their related sites is the hacker safe icon. There was a press release a while back that they have a business relationship that promotes secure ecommerce. According to Andy the hacker safe icon enhances conversion rates. Having at the very top of the site, gives the buyer immediate comfort in knowing there is a third party ensuring the safe use of this site.
To stay on top of your efforts it is best to mirror other successful sites marketing efforts. There is so much misinformation out there, especially in the forum arena. Go straight to the source and figure out what that Internet marketer is doing and you will have a much greater chance of success.
Jeffrey Dorrian is the webmaster at He has been making handmade soap for six years. "Handmade soap is a little luxury anyone can afford". Premium wholesale soap Old fashioned lye soap