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I Was Indexed By Google In 2 Days!
By noel bautista
We are having a local contest in our country and the contest requires a new domain. I bought a domain between 2p-3p last June 1.

I then installed wordpress and start posting some blog entries. By 5:39pm on that same day, I was visited by, technorati, omniexplorer, and googlebot. Just imagine, that was just 3 hours. Now here’s the exciting part. By June 3 my blog posts was already in google’s index. That’s about 2 days!

So what did I do right? I know a lot of people are complaining that it took them a few months just to get indexed. We’ll here’s some few tips on how to achieve the same. I cannot guarantee that you will get the same result, but this is exactly what I did.

Firstly, blogs are such a very nice tool. Once you enter some blog entries, do a ping. Actually, most blog software already has a built-in ping system. I never did a ping but you can visit pingomatic to have your blog pinged just to be sure.

Second, what I did to jump start this new domain is to find other sites that you know are being visited often by the search engines. Put some links there. What I did was I pointed these links to my blog posts and not my main domain.

There’s one person who actually own a PR6 domain. He linked this new domain from the existing PR6 domain and he also was indexed

within 2 days. This is a very good technique if you already have an existing high PR website.

This is the first time I joined an contest but I’m doing a lot of work for my own sites as well as for some clients. Do you think there’s a lot of stuff to be learned in contests? Oh definitely. Want to get some of the latest working tactics? Here’s the deal.

I would love to get some more backlinks to boost my rank. In my site,, there’s a note there about linking to my site. Copy the link, past it in your website (the page with the highest pagerank) and send me an email (noel at globaleshop dot biz). Don’t forget to email me the URL where you put the link so I can verify.

I’ll be creating a distribution list, and after the contest is over, I’ll be compiling a list of the actual techniques used in the contest and send it ONLY to the people who created a link to my site. The contest will be over by Sept 30 so you can delete the links after that date

Noel Bautista is a search engine optimizer, and internet marketer. Visit his website at philippines and isulong seoph blog.

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