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Seo - The Definition Keeps Expanding
By Chris Angus
Search engine optimization (SEO) has grown to embrace a number of different practices including everything from enhancing the functionality of a shopping cart to optimizing copy with keywords to adding metatags to your out of context copy. The term used to simply refer to adding metatags but search engine optimization now embraces any technique that makes your web site and web copy more friendly – period.

Technically the entire business of is divided into two main types – natural or organic and alogorithmic SEO. The organic type results from have a natural niche to your topic that makes it easy for consumers to find you in the search engine pages. It also refers to pages that are seeded with keywords by your customers such as pinged blogs and forums. The algorithmic type of refers to copy that has been optimized in some manner using keywords and metatags in order to increase search engine relevance.

So what’s the difference between organic and algorithmic nowadays? Organic tends to be easier for people to read and algorithmic is friendlier to the search engine spiders. However the idea

of organic is more of a buzzword. The most successful appeals first to machine algorithms to increase search engine relevance and secondly to the comprehension of human visitors.

Search engine optimization is something you can do yourself with the aid of a few online gadgets or you can use a service. Often these search engine optimizers practice black hat SEO, which uses slightly unethical ways to increase your page’s rankings in the search engines. It is a good idea to ask your experts if they use white hat or black hat as you are the one who is penalized for less than ethical practices. Sometimes all you need to accomplish your needs is one talented writer who can write copy for you.

Chris Angus is a and website promoter, he can be contacted at sales(at) Car InsuranceWheelchairsPersonalised Baby Gift

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